static vs. instant

Selina Lalau
1 min readNov 25, 2020

Today I learned about static members compared to instances. It is interesting because we have been using instant members throughout the course thus far. Instant members have instances of themselves. For example, custom item classes are instances of those items. Static members access data at a class level and are stored indefinitely in the memory — typically for the longevity of program. Static members are shared across instances while instant members are created as copies. This is another efficient way of writing code. I am understanding the logistics of static and instant coding, but I am learning how to actually create a code in this manner. Also, I have completed another section of 2Dev. It is becoming easier to keep up with the code challenges with a better understanding of code structure and when to use a more efficient method in certain situations. I plan to finish up the C# script this week in order to immerse myself in the 2Dev course this weekend.

More to come, Mahalo

